| << | 70 | 71 | #72, Bicycle Tour Peloponnese, Greece, 2018 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | >> |

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Bike Adventure #72

Tandem Bike Tour Day | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Bold = Bicycle Day, Red = Hurricane Day

Side Trips:  AthensSaronic IslandsPythia/DelphiIstanbul, Turkey

Pictures and Stories About Bicycle Adventures

Bicycle Tour of Peloponnese, Greece,
From Korinth to Olympia
September/October, 2018

Day 10
We Rode from Olympia Eastward to Pirgos and Back (Wet Roads and Occasional Light Sprinkles).
We Were Chased by a Loose Junk Yard Dog and We Saw White Chickens with Blue Heads.
It Was Just Nice to be Able to Ride and Otherwise the Ride was Quite Pleasant.

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above: The high humidity in the cool air made for misty mountain images.

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above Left: Linda, Sharon, and Sarah off bike.

Above Right: Greg and other Linda (I think).

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above Left: Craig was enjoying the morning view.

Above Right: Everyone was in light brake mode going down that slick hill.

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above Left: This is the way out of town but we are not going to any of those places.

Above Right: Photo Map Close-Up - We are located in the top left corner intersection and we want to exit at the top center (north) end of the map.

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above: An overview of Olympia on our way out.

We don't care about wet, we are going to ride today - Dennis and Terry Struck, riding north out of Olympia, Greece.

Above: We don't care about wet, we are going to ride today - Dennis and Terry Struck, riding a tandem north out of Olympia, Greece.

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.
Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above Left: Rich bottom land.

Above Right: Agriculture irrigation canal - We were near the Alfiós Potamós (Whitish River).

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above Left: We were about to cross that bridge.

Above Right: Crossing the Alfiós Potamós - There was a hydroelectric plant and spillway.

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above Left: Feeder chute for the hydroelectric plant.

Above Right: We came across this gentleman a few times, he appeared to be foraging for nuts and/or possibly snails.

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above Left: A hill composed of stones, sand, and organic wash - It had some strata from different river floods. In a few million years, this could become conglomerate rock.

Above Right: That was Greg, he gave his greetings as he passed us.

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above Left: Evidence that it is Fall.

Above Right: Wild blackberries.

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.
Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above Left: Literal translation is 'Alpeiouoa' - Village ahead. Remember this sign, there is a Test, we will see this sign again.

Above Right: Passing through the village of Alpeiouoa.

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above Left: The road to Pirgos.

Above Right: Country peace.

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above Left: We crossed some longtime unused railroad tracks. This is the area where a Guard Dog for a Construction Equipment Yard got out of his fence and gave us a good chase, other riders reported a similar experience. This was the only time that we had dog issues in Greece and we had come across plenty of dogs in the back areas while in Greece.

Above Right: We road this stretch of Sycamore or Eucalyptus trees for about 3 kilometers.

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above: We rode through the trees for about 3 kilometers.

We had arrived at our destination and met-up with the support van and had snacks as a group. I don't know why there are no pictures, maybe we just enjoyed being out together too much. We were all happy to be out and about after the hurricane!

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above Left: We were on the return trip, does the sign look familiar?

Above Right: Riding through Alpeiouoa.

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.
Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.
Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.
Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above: Terry called for me to stop, she got off the bike and went back to get these pictures.

The White Chickens have Blue Faces.

We Returned Safely Home, at the Hotel in Olympia

Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride. Olympia to Pirgos Loop Ride.

Above Left: We all safely returned to the Europa Hotel at about the same time so we continued our socialization in the Taverna.

Above Right: Later that evening.

A Special Dinner Out on the Patio

Dennis and Terry Struck posing on the skyline of Olympia, Greece.

Above: Dennis and Terry Struck posing on the skyline of Olympia, Greece.

Benton (tour leader) was reviewing what we had done and explained the special dinner. Benton (tour leader) was reviewing what we had done and explained the special dinner.

Above: Benton (tour leader) was reviewing what we had done and explained the special dinner. This is not the final dinner, although it will be held at the same place.

Our gang at the evening dinner. Our gang at the evening dinner.

Above: Our gang at the evening dinner. As happens with people that have been together for a while, especially when they have endured a hardship together, tend to bond very well. We enjoyed the company of everyone in this group.


We cycled a loop-ride from Olympia to Pirgos.
We were chased by a Loose Junk Yard Dog.
We saw White Chickens with Blue Heads.
We had a great dinner with friends.
It was pleasant just to ride!
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